Affiliates Flock to Seal Partnerships with Malaysia Healthcare at Expo 2020 Dubai

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry led by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), welcomed more new partnerships at the Malaysia Pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai. Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were exchanged with renowned players such as International Assistance Sdn Bhd (IASB) and HADID International Services (HADID). These partnerships will further allow the industry to gain new customer pipelines for the industry while building brand presence for Malaysia Healthcare in ASEAN markets through IASB and Middle Eastern markets.

Attendees of the Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony capture a moment after the event. Signatories of the event: (Seventh from left) Mohd Hasril Abdul Hamid, Head of Mission, Consul General of Malaysia in Dubai; (eighth from left) Mohd Daud Mohd Arif, Chief Executive Officer, MHTC; (ninth from left) Mohamad Hadid, Chairman, HADID International Services; (third from right) Vincent Wan, Chief Executive Officer, IASB Sdn Bhd.

“Having successfully navigated the pandemic over the past 18 months, we recognise how crucial it is to form strategic partnerships to catalyse industry recovery moving into 2022. It is key for Malaysia Healthcare to identify and join forces with partners who share the same value system and commitment towards service excellence and upholding safety standards. Thus, it is an honour for Malaysia Healthcare to collaborate with IASB and HADID as we jointly provide access to a safe, trusted, world-class quality, and seamless patient experiences for healthcare travellers,” said Mohd Daud Mohd Arif, Chief Executive Officer of MHTC.

Known for delivering world-class quality healthcare services which are both easily accessible and competitively affordable, Malaysia is fortifying its healthcare offerings through its’ position as the Fertility and Cardiology Hubs of Asia, Cancer Care Centre of Excellence and Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia. Malaysia has been recognised as the “Destination of the Year” by the International Medical Travel Journal (IMTJ) for four years (2015, 2016, 2017, and 2020) and the “Best Country in the World for Healthcare” based on International Living’s Global Retirement Index from 2015 to 2021.


The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is a government agency that has been entrusted with the responsibility of curating the country’s healthcare travel scene. Founded in 2009, MHTC works to streamline industry players and service providers in facilitating and growing Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry under the brand “Malaysia Healthcare” with the intended goal of making Malaysia the leading global healthcare destination.

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CGTN: CMG president delivers New Year message to overseas audience

BEIJING, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Shen Haixiong, president of China Media Group (CMG), extended New Year greetings in an address to overseas audiences via CGTN, China Radio International, and through the internet on January 1, 2022.

CMG President Shen Haixiong said 2021 was particularly remarkable for the Communist Party of China and the country. Shen said China Media Group has served as a witness to the remarkable past and recorded the country’s achievements through its dedicated work.

China’s overseas broadcasting services will continue this in 2022.

Shen said presenting China’s stories well to global audiences remains CMG’s mission. CMG’s programs, such as “China in the Stories,” “China in the Classics,” and “Chinese Culture in Toponymy,” documented the country’s deep and solid history and people’s vitality in their everyday lives. Programs including “National Parks” and “The Olympism and Art” recorded the scenes of “Beautiful China” and “Healthy China” in the new era. The global live broadcast of “Tiangong Class” from China’s space station inspired youngsters to explore the mysteries of the universe. When a herd of 16 wild elephants from Yunnan Province wandered from south to north and back home, platforms including CGTN, Yangshipin, and CCTV News Digital kept track of every step, delivering over 7,000 hours of livestreaming, which made the “wandering elephants” a hot topic across the world.

The CMG President said reporting based on facts should be the fundamental principle of global journalists. In the meantime, it has debunked lies and myths in news stories regarding issues such as COVID and Afghanistan. Shen also expressed the group has established a diverse and inclusive cooperation mechanism with international media partners.

“We exchanged over 600 letters with our international media colleagues and friends, and also met both online and offline over 20 times. We worked together to build a media partnership and cooperation mechanism with diversity, inclusiveness, equality and mutual trust. These candid and warm exchanges built bridges of trust, and those enthusiastic calls and letters encouraged us to do better,” said Shen.

China will also host the world’s biggest sporting event of 2022. The Beijing Winter Olympics will bring together athletes from around the world to compete on ice and snow. Shen said China Media Group is ready to bring the action to global audiences with cutting-edge technologies and its newly-launched Olympic Channel.

“With the technologies of “5G+4K/8K+AI,” CMG has set up a livestreaming carriage on the high-speed train from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province. It’s the first tech solution in the world to record and broadcast with Ultra HD streaming on high-speed trains. We would very much like to share it with our global counterparts, and jointly present a wonderful and extraordinary Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to the world,” he said.

He also said that in the coming year, the CPC will hold its 20th National Congress to draw a blueprint for China’s future. He added that with the spirit of pursuing excellence, precision and perfection, CMG will strive to produce more quality programs to present the vitality of China from multiple perspectives in the new era to the international community and play its role as a media organization in the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


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‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية CGTN: كان عام 2021 مهمًا بشكل استثنائي: كيف استعدت الصين لبناء دولة اشتراكية حديثة

بكين، 3 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — كان عام 2021 بلا شك عامًا استثنائيًا بالنسبة للصين. فقد شهد هذا العام انطلاق الخطة الخمسية الرابعة عشرة (2021-2025). كما تحقق خلال هذا العام التقارب التاريخي للأطر الزمنية اللازمة لتحقيق هدفي الصين المئويين؛ بناء مجتمع مزدهر بشكل جيد من كافة النواحي وبناء دولة اشتراكية حديثة عظيمة من كافة النواحي.

وقال الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ في خطابه بمناسبة العام الجديد 2022: “لقد كان العام الماضي عامًا ذا أهمية استثنائية.

كيف قامت الصين بالاستعداد بشكل كامل خلال العام الماضي للشروع في رحلة جديدة لبناء دولة اشتراكية حديثة؟

بداية جيدة

لقد أظهرت بيانات رسمية صدرت في 18 يناير 2021 أن الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للصين تجاوز عتبة 100 تريليون يوان (نحو 15.42 تريليون دولار) في عام 2020.

في أوائل شهر يناير، تناول شي، بصفته أيضًا الأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ورئيس اللجنة العسكرية المركزية، جلسة دراسية في مدرسة اللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني.

وقد دعا أكثر من 190 مسئولًا على مستوى المقاطعات والوزارات الحاضرين إلى السعي من أجل بداية طيبة في البناء الكامل لدولة اشتراكية حديثة .

وبعد نحو أسبوعين، أكد شي، الذي ترأس جلسة دراسة جماعية للمكتب السياسي للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، على الحاجة إلى ضمان التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية السليمة، حيث كانت “الخطوة الأولى “للخطة الخمسية الرابعة عشرة حاسمة.

وفى وقت لاحق من شهر مارس، كشفت الصين عن النسخة النهائية من خطة التنمية الوطنية للسنوات الخمس والخمسة عشر القادمة مع التركيز على النمو الاقتصادي المستدام ونمط النمو الاقتصادي “للتداول المزدوج” والنظم الصناعية القائمة على الابتكار وتنمية المناطق الريفية.

وقال شي في رسالة التهنئة بمناسبة العام الجديد إلى الشعب الصيني: “على مدار العام الماضي، بذلنا جهودنا، وساهمنا بدورنا، وتلقينا الكثير في المقابل”.

إرشادات فلسفة التنمية الجديدة

بالمقارنة مع الخطط الخمسية السابقة، فإن الخطة الخمسية الرابعة عشر تنقل نموذجًا إنمائيًا جديدًا لا تحدد رقمًا مستهدفًا لنمو الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، بل تركز أكثر على التنمية المتوازنة والمستدامة، مع وضع السوق المحلية كدعامة أساسية.

تقوم فلسفة التنمية الجديدة على تنمية مبتكرة ومنسقة ونظيفة ومفتوحة ومشتركة توجه وتمهد الطريق لوضع التنمية عالية الجودة موضع التنفيذ.

وضعت الصين الابتكار في مركز حملة التحديث، وحققت العديد من الاختراقات العلمية والتكنولوجية مثل إطلاق سفينة الفضاء المأهولة شنتشو 13، وهبوط مسبار المريخ تيان ون-1 على الكوكب الأحمر، والتقدم في صناعة الرقائق وتحقيق القفزات في الحوسبة الكمّية.

وفي عام 2021، تفقد شي العديد من شركات العلوم والتكنولوجيا، حيث سلط الضوء مرارًا وتكرارًا على أهمية الاعتماد على الذات وتعزيز الذات في الابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي عالي المستوى.

وبما أن اللون الأخضر هو السمة المميزة للتنمية عالية الجودة، فقد شهد العام الماضي أيضًا إنجازات في هذا المجال. وفقًا لتقرير البيئة الصيني لعام 2020 الذي نشرته وزارة البيئة والنظام الإيكولوجي في شهر مايو، فقد شهدت الصين تحسينات شاملة في البيئية والنظم الإيكولوجية وسط تكثيف جهود البلاد لتحفيز التنمية الخضراء.

لقد كانت الحماية الايكولوجية والتنمية عالية الجودة لحوض النهر الأصفر، كاستراتيجية وطنية كبرى، دليلًا حيًا على مساعي الصين في تعزيز الحضارة الايكولوجية.

في شهر أكتوبر من العام الماضي، أصدرت الصين مخططًا من أجل حماية حوض النهر الأصفر وتنميته حتى عام 2030؛ ليكون بمثابة دليل على وضع السياسات وتخطيط المشاريع الهندسية في الحوض من أجل مواجهة التحديات.

وقد زار الرئيس الصيني منذ انعقاد المؤتمر الوطني الثامن عشر للحزب الشيوعي الصيني (CPC) جميع مقاطعات الحوض والمناطق ذاتية الحكم، معبرًا عن مخاوفه بشأن “النهر الأم” في الصين. كما تفقد الرئيس منفردًا حوض النهر الأصفر أربع مرات في أقل من عام من أغسطس 2019 إلى يونيو 2020.

وقال شي يوم الجمعة في خطابه بمناسبة العام الجديد” مع مرور الوقت، رأينا وشهدنا الصين في حالة من المرونة والديناميكية، وبلدًا يتميز بشعبه الودود والمحترم، وبلدًا يتطور بسرعة مع مرور كل يوم، وبلدًا يحرز تقدمًا مستمرًا في جميع تعهداته”.–16uwrdXNaY8/index.html

Daman joins The Reach Campaign and ERC to end NTDs

ABU DHABI, The Reach Campaign announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UAE’s leading health insurer, the National Health Insurance Company – Daman.

As a Founding Partner, Daman pledged support over a three-year period, joining Reach’s strategic partner, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC), in an effort to eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), namely river blindness and lymphatic filariasis.

The partnership agreement was signed at a special ceremony held at Daman’s headquarters by Nassar Abdul Raouf Al Mubarak, Managing Director of The Reach Campaign; Hamad Abdullah Al Mehyas, CEO of the National Health Insurance Company – Daman; and Khalfan Sarhan Al Rumaithi, Director of the Volunteer Department at ERC.

In addition to the MoU, The Reach Campaign also announced a new initiative that will see its newest partner, Daman, and popular UAE health and fitness platform, STEPPI, join forces to raise money whilst encouraging physical activity with the help of its hundreds of thousands of users in the country. Details of the special challenge will be announced early next year.

Hamad Abdullah Al Mehyas, CEO of the National Health Insurance Company – Daman, said, “We are delighted to be joining The Reach Campaign as a Founding Partner, and this agreement further reinforces our established role when it comes to fostering healthier lifestyle choices and raising awareness of various health issues among the local and global community, in line with our partners’ aims for healthier communities at home and across the world.

He added, “With the success of the Daman Challenge last October, we are excited to be working on another challenge, this time through the popular STEPPI app, to allow as many individuals as possible to participate in the campaign in a way that helps them adopt a more active lifestyle that is in line with the Leadership’s vision for a healthier society. “

Nassar Abdul Raouf Al Mubarak, Managing Director of The Reach Campaign, said, “We are very happy to welcome Daman on board as a Founding Partner. Their support across many levels over the next three years will prove invaluable and is a strong fillip in our bid to help eliminate these preventable diseases.

“Our success to date has been founded on partners and communities. The new initiative with Daman and STEPPI is no different. Details of the challenge will be revealed in due time, and we have no doubt it will provide real social impact here in the UAE, while also allowing participants the chance to provide support to people living with NTDs in the world’s most vulnerable communities.”

Commenting on the fund-raising platform launch, Joe Franklin, Co-Founder of STEPPI, said, “This is a wonderful initiative that will also help improve the lives of thousands of people here in the UAE, in addition to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. We are proud to be supporting Reach in their goals.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

Mohamed bin Zayed calls Mauritanian President to inquire after his health

ABU DHABI, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, today called the President of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, to inquire after his health, wishing him speedy recovery from Covid-19.

Sheikh Mohamed prayed for Ould Ghazouani’s good health and for his people to be blessed with further progress and prosperity.

For his part, the Mauritanian President thanked Sheikh Mohamed for his prayers and his call, which he said reflected the strong bonds between the UAE and Mauritania and their peoples.

Source: Emirates News Agency

DP World, Senegal Government lay first stone marking start of construction of Port of Ndayane

DUBAI, DP World, the world’s leading provider of smart logistics, and the Government of Senegal, have laid the first stone to mark the start of construction of the new Port of Ndayane.

The stone laying ceremony follows the concession agreement signed in December 2020 between DP World and the Government of Senegal to build and operate a new port at Ndayane, about 50 km from the existing Port of Dakar.

The ceremony was attended by Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, and Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, as well as a number of Presidents of institutions, members of the Government of Senegal, and local communities.

The investment of more than US$1 billion in two phases to develop Port Ndayane, is DP World’s largest port investment in Africa to date, and the largest single private investment in the history of Senegal. The infrastructure project reflects the growing partnerships between Dubai and African markets aimed at supporting development in the continent.

President Sall said, “The development of modern, quality port infrastructure is vital for economic development. With the Port of Ndayane, Senegal will have state-of-the-art port infrastructure that will reinforce our country’s position as a major trade hub and gateway in West Africa. It will unlock significant economic opportunities for local businesses, create jobs, and increase Senegal’s attractiveness to foreign investors. We are pleased to extend our collaboration with DP World to this project, which has already delivered great results with the operation of the container terminal at the Port of Dakar.”

Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem said, “Today’s laying of the first stone not only marks the start of construction, but also turning the vision of President Sall, into reality. As the leading enabler of global trade, we will bring all our expertise, technology and capability to this port project, the completion of which will support Senegal’s development over the next century. We thank President Sall, his government, and the Port Authority for the trust and confidence placed in us.”

Phase 1 of the development of the port will include a container terminal with 840m of quay and a new 5km marine channel designed to handle two 336m vessels simultaneously, and capable of handling the largest container vessels in the world. It will increase container handling capacity by 1.2 million Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) a year. In phase 2, an additional container quay of 410m will be developed.

DP World’s plans also include the development of an economic/industrial zone next to the port and near the Blaise Diagne International Airport, creating an integrated multimodal transportation, logistics and industrial hub.

Source: Emirates News Agency